Swedish Christmas Recipe for Mulled Wine or Glogg
By Jen E Carter
What would Christmas be like without the traditional mulled wine? The wonderful aromas wafting through the house during the holiday season have even sparked scented candles designed to conjure up our favorite smell!
Every country has it's version of this holiday recipe - from the German Gluhwein to the Italian Vin Brulč.
Here is a great and tasty of how the Swedes have incorporated the enticing flavors of tropical spices. In glögg the liquids are steeped with various spices. What better way to keep spirits high when the sun disappears for months? A Christmas gathering with no glögg is unthinkable in Sweden, akin to a Superbowl party with no beer.
Mulled Wine or Glögg
Put all of the ingredients in a stainless steel pan and slowly heat. Do not boil. Strain and drink immediately. For a more intense flavor, let spices steep for several hours or overnight; strain and gently reheat.
Serve in a heat proof bowl, with mugs or glasses and a large ladel. Enjoy welcoming in Christmas with this traditional Swedish beverage!
For more great swedish recipes visit us at Worldwide recipes website.
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